Grease traps can be a crucial element to your business, especially if you run something like a restaurant. They prevent a build know as FOG, that is fat, oil and grease, from going down your drains and into the sewerage system, where they can cause a range of problems. If your grease traps aren’t regularly cleaned or maintained though, they can fail to do this job properly, and cause could your business whole range of potentially expensive issues. You can avoid all this, though, with us. We provide grease trap and the waste fat solution you need to keep things functioning as normal.
Liquid Waste Disposal Perth
Removing grease from your grease traps and disposing of it effectively can be a difficult. When your facility has waste and residue that require proper liquid waste disposal or if you use grease for machinery operation, then you may be looking for grease traps that not only contain the waste but also help you manage use over time.
It’s something that’s crucial for your business, whatever it happens to be, for a range of reasons. We provide an effective removal and disposal service for your grease traps, so you can ensure they are thorough and effectively made safe and efficient for use again. This can give you real peace of mind, knowing that you are following everything required of you to keep your business safe and law abiding, without doing any extra or difficult work or wasting time.
Cleaning Grease Trap Perth
Cleaning your grease traps is imperative for your restaurant, or other type of business, on so many fronts. Unclean grease traps can cause a wide range of issues. The most common problem that unclean traps can cause is build ups, which can prevent your grease trap form functioning properly and eventually this might find its way into your pipes and cause a backup. This might force you to close your doors in order to do the necessary maintenance, ultimately costing you money on two fronts. We provide professional grade grease trap cleaning to help you avoid problems and get this necessary, and difficult, job completed.
Follow the Law
We think you’d agree it’s important to make sure your business is obeying the law. Well keeping your grease traps clean and serviced can be a part of this, though you may not be aware. Grease trap regulations state that you must keep your grease traps maintained in order to prevent anything from leaking into the sewerage system, and you could potentially face a range of serious consequences if you allow this to occur. Avoid problems and get your traps thoroughly cleaned and serviced to avoid any major, and unnecessary, issues.
Avoid Costly Problems
Grease trap servicing is the best way to avoid and prevent a range of costly problems. Your restaurant, or other business, is ultimately about making you money and securing the future of your family. If your bottom line has to take constant hits to fix preventable problems, this is simply wasting money. This is not what you intended to do when you set out, quite the opposite in fact. Prevent any problems with your grease traps before they take hold and ensure that your business doesn’t need to take any unnecessary hits.
When you come to us at Septic Tank Armadale – Grease Trap Perth, we will work to ensure that you receive the quality service you need from grease traps to custom plastic tanks, or used cooking oil collection. Our great customer service is backed by reliability, consistency, and quality, and we know you will achieve your goals when you choose our plastics for your industrial or commercial facility. Contact us today to discuss your needs!